At Easy Eatery, we're doing things differently. We believe in transparency and fair play, which is why we'll never charge any hidden fees or take a commission on your hard-earned sales or bookings.
Our pricing model is simple: choose one of our affordable monthly subscriptions, and claim a discount if you choose to pay annually.
Nothing more. No commission, no hidden fees and no fuss.
We're currently reviewing our pricing plans based on initial customer feedback and will announce the new plans in the coming weeks.
Subscribe for updatesOnce our website went live we were blown away with positive feedback from our customers, and inundated with bookings to our restaurant from groups of clientele previously not accessed by us. We’re so happy with the website, and feel confident in updating it when necessary due to Paul’s diligent efforts to teach us how to do so.
Ryan EdwardsThe Queen InnCwmbran, Torfaen
Subscribe to be among the first to hear more about Easy Eatery's progress and our early-access programme.