Theme structure refactor
ImprovementTheme editorWe've recently revised the structure of Easy Eatery themes to make managing themes easier.
Due to recent additions, we've seen a steady increase in the number of files that Easy Eatery themes are comprised of.
As a result, we felt that the original file structure of themes was no longer working as well as it originally planned.
To address this, we have made the following changes:
We've split the directory css/blocks/ into two new directories:
- css/blog-blocks/
- css/page-blocks/
We've also split the directory html/blocks/ into:
- html/blog-blocks/
- html/page-blocks/
This change has also allowed us to simplify the file naming convention used within themes.
Files within these directories no longer have the prefixes of 'b-' or 'p-' depending on wether they belong to a blog block, or a page block. For example:
- html/blocks/p-banner.html, is now
- html/page-blocks/banner.html
This change has automatically been rolled out to every available Easy Eatery theme.